And I Quote… November 14

And I Quote… November 14

[T]he Bible as a whole document tells a story, and, properly used, that story can serve as a metanarrative that shapes our grasp of the entire Christian faith. In my view it is increasingly important to spell this out to Christians and to non-Christians alike—to...
Wordsmithy | Part Two

Wordsmithy | Part Two

As I said last week, Wordsmithy is one of my favorite books. While I hope that many of you have already started reading it, it is not too late to jump in now! Our coffee-and-cookies book discussion will be held after the evening service on Sunday, December 11 and I...
Friday Findings—November 11

Friday Findings—November 11

The Challenge in Praying with Your Spouse “I would like to extend the thirty day challenge to you. Pray for your spouse, with your spouse for thirty days and just see if it doesn’t make you more tender toward each other and more positive about your marriage and your...
J. C. Ryle… Yet Speaking

J. C. Ryle… Yet Speaking

[T]here are many ways in which the faith of Christ may be marred and spoiled, without being positively denied. And here we venture to think is the very reason that so much religion called Christian, is not truly Evangelical. The Gospel in fact is a most curiously and...
Un•jar•gon•ed New Series!

Un•jar•gon•ed New Series!

The New Testament was not written in a vacuum. The good news of Jesus Christ was first spoken into a world that was already full of other movements and competing ideologies. This series of Unjargoned will deal with terms related to that historical background. Some of...