In Everything Give Thanks

In Everything Give Thanks

Rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing, in every thing give thanks—for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. ( Thessalonians 5:16–18) Giving thanks in every thing is relatively easy when the sun is shining and everything is more or less, “going our...
And I Quote… January 9

And I Quote… January 9

T. S. Eliot once noted that the serious books we read do not influence us nearly as much as the books we read for fun (or the movies we watch for entertainment). Why? Because when we are relaxing, our guard is down and we engage in the “suspension of disbelief” that...
Friday Findings—January 6

Friday Findings—January 6

Grappling with the Fears of Technological Change “Today we are at the dawn of the digital revolution, and we are grappling with many of the very same fears people faced at the dawn of every other communications revolution… But even now we can have hope. We can look to...
Jeremiah Burroughs… Yet Speaking

Jeremiah Burroughs… Yet Speaking

God the Father, looking upon the sinful children of men, and seeing them all in a perishing condition by sin, out of infinite bowels of tender compassion, has provided a glorious way of mediation, of propitiation for sin. And, to that end, He has sent His only beloved...
Herod Antipas

Herod Antipas

Herod Antipas, under a variety of titles, appears in all three of the Synoptic Gospels and is mentioned in the book of Acts. One of the many sons of Herod “the Great,” under the terms of his father’s will he was appointed “Tetrarch,” a client ruler somewhat lower in...