And I Quote… January 16

And I Quote… January 16

Salvation is a posture of repentance and faith toward the finished work of Christ in which you transfer the weight of your hopes of heaven off of your own righteousness and onto the finished work of Jesus Christ. The way to know you made the decision is by the fact...
Infinite Journey | Reading Schedule

Infinite Journey | Reading Schedule

Our book for January through March will be Infinite Journey: Growing toward Christlikeness, by Pastor Andrew M. Davis. One of my favorite books, it offers wise counsel on almost every aspect of the Christian life. I look forward to reading through it yet again with...
Friday Findings—January 13

Friday Findings—January 13

Dad, Why Must I Obey? “Have you ever heard a child ask, “Why do I have to obey?” As a father of six kids, ages seven to seventeen, I have heard this question often — when not explicitly, then in the tone of their voices and the looks on their faces. As a parent, I...
John Chrysostom… Yet Speaking

John Chrysostom… Yet Speaking

[I]f we are to have boldness, we must be clean from wrath, that none may impute our words to that. No matter how just your words may be, when you speak with anger, you ruin all. John Chrysostom [347–407], Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles, in Nicene and Post Nicene...
Philip the Tetrarch

Philip the Tetrarch

Philip the Tetrarch was one of the three sons of Herod “the Great” who received territory when he died in 4 BC. Directly mentioned in the New Testament only in Luke 3:1, he ruled over Ituraea and Trachonitis. These almost exclusively Gentile regions were located to...