by admin | Dec 13, 2016 | Blog
I used to shake my head at the Israelites who complained about bitter water just after they watched God deliver them from the strongest nation in their world. I also thought proudly that, if I had lived in the little town of Bethlehem, I would have given up not just a...
by admin | Dec 12, 2016 | And I Quote..., Blog
When Christians unite around something other than the gospel, they create community that would likely exist even if God didn’t. As a modern-day tower of Babel, that community glorifies their strength instead of God’s. Mark Dever & Jamie Dunlop, The Compelling...
by admin | Dec 10, 2016 | Blog, Book of the Month
I hope you have enjoyed reading Wordsmithy as much as I have. Our Coffee-and-Cookies fellowship for those who have read the book will be held in the Equipping Center Library tomorrow, after the evening service. Any book this interesting ought to provoke some good...
by admin | Dec 9, 2016 | Blog, Friday Findings
Why You Should Let Complete Strangers Stay In Your Home “Our homes are not our own. Our lives are not our own. When are we all going to realise this? What did Jesus say we would gain if we gave everything up for him? People need to hear about the love of Jesus...
by admin | Dec 8, 2016 | Blog, Yet Speaking
I acknowledge, Lord, and I give thanks that You have created Your image in me, so that I may remember You, think of You, love You. But this image is so effaced and worn away by vice, so darkened by the smoke of sin, that it cannot do what it was made to do unless You...
by admin | Dec 7, 2016 | Blog, Unjargoned
Located about 25 miles to the north of the Sea of Galilee, Caesarea Philippi was situated at the foot of Mt. Hermon, near the source of the Jordan River. The city was developed by and named after Philip the Tetrarch, one of the many sons of Herod the Great, who ruled...
by admin | Dec 6, 2016 | Articles, Blog
Love is a wonderful thing—on that point almost everyone agrees. Yet this wonderful word called “love” has been assigned a bewildering variety of meanings. The Beatles famously asserted that, “all you need is love.” Countless young couples have allowed their passionate...
by admin | Dec 5, 2016 | And I Quote..., Blog
As the goldfish swimming in the bowl is unaware of the temperature and taste of the water in which he swims, so often the most powerfully formative forces of our societies and cultures are those with which we are so familiar as to be functionally unaware of how they...
by admin | Dec 3, 2016 | Blog, Book of the Month
Chapter Five—The Memoirs of Old Walnut Heart In which Wilson emphasizes that writing what needs improvement is always the first step to improving your writing. Chapter Six—Ancient Roman Toddlers In which Wilson points out that the study of dead languages is by no...
by admin | Dec 2, 2016 | Blog, Friday Findings
True Leadership Is Sacrifice, Not Privilege “Christian leadership — in the home, the church, and elsewhere — is not for those clawing for honor and recognition, but for those most ready to fall to their knees and be inconvenienced by the needs of others. They are...