Figurative Fig Leaves

Figurative Fig Leaves

What do entrepreneurs do when they pull up a carrot and discover that there is only one inch of carrot for every ten inches of carrot greens? They market the half-grown carrots as baby carrots! Marketers know how to position products so that consumers see products in...
Simpler than You Think

Simpler than You Think

In celebration of my recent birthday, my wife and I went down to Portland for the day. We ate out, went to a bookstore, and generally had a wonderful time. As we neared our housing development on our return, we noticed a Jeep by the side of the road that seemed to...


[W]e glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope: and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.—Romans 5:3–5 The...
Unexplainable Mercy

Unexplainable Mercy

The so-called “God of the Old Testament” gets a bad rap in contemporary society. According to some, this “God of the Old Testament,” was mean and judgmental, hurling thunderbolts left and right, withholding mercy and delighting in destruction. Now of course our...
Twenty Thousand Tomorrows

Twenty Thousand Tomorrows

Chicago came into view as my plane touched down and began to taxi across the O’Hare tarmac, the plane finding its niche among the grid of city lights that shone brightly against the night sky. I stared blankly at the safety card in the seat pocket in front of me, not...
Light Enough

Light Enough

Mysteries beg to be solved. This explains how I could get so engrossed in mind-bending puzzles at Science Museum Oklahoma that I lost my son. That also explains why I have a hard time putting down a detective novel but not so much when reading a political primer and...