An Infinite Journey | Part Four

An Infinite Journey | Part Four

Chapter Five: Experiential Knowledge As Davis argued in Chapter Four, factual knowledge of what Scripture says is absolutely foundational to progress in the Christian life. Yet without experiential knowledge, the knowledge that comes from living in God’s world,...
An Infinite Journey | Part Four

Infinite Journey | Part Three

Chapter Three: Graphing Christian Progress Even though no graph can fully represent our progress in the Christian life, charting the course of our Christian life can still be very helpful. Which of the graphs in this chapter would best fit your life? Chapter Four:...
An Infinite Journey | Part Four

Infinite Journey | Part Two

Chapter One: An Infinite Journey Mapped Out Davis uses the imagery of two “infinite journeys,” the inward journey of conformity to Christ and the outward journey of witness to the world. Though we are constantly tempted to prioritize one over the other, in reality, we...
An Infinite Journey | Part Four

Infinite Journey | Reading Schedule

Our book for January through March will be Infinite Journey: Growing toward Christlikeness, by Pastor Andrew M. Davis. One of my favorite books, it offers wise counsel on almost every aspect of the Christian life. I look forward to reading through it yet again with...
Book of the Month | Year End Recap

Book of the Month | Year End Recap

I don’t know about you, but I have greatly enjoyed the first year of our book-of-the-month club. The books have been helpful, the discussions have been stimulating and the cookies have been amazing. These are the books we read through this year. It is pretty amazing...
Book of the Month Discussion—Tomorrow!

Book of the Month Discussion—Tomorrow!

I hope you have enjoyed reading Wordsmithy as much as I have. Our Coffee-and-Cookies fellowship for those who have read the book will be held in the Equipping Center Library tomorrow, after the evening service. Any book this interesting ought to provoke some good...