

Over the next several weeks, we will be covering the major “ologies” used to refer to the various topics of theological study. Not all of these terms are of equal significance in the grand scope of things but all of them are worth knowing. Christology is the doctrine...


The doctrine of the Trinity is absolutely fundamental to the Christian faith. Though the term is not found in Scripture, the concept permeates every page and has been affirmed by believers in every age. The One True God has revealed Himself in the persons of the...

The•ol•o•gy Pro•per

The•ol•o•gy Pro•per: Theology comes from two Greek words, theos, meaning God, and logos, meaning word. If all theology is thus “words about God,” what is Theology Proper? It is the term that theologians use to refer to the doctrine of God—who He is and what He is...

Un•jar•gon•ed—January 20

Jar•gon, words and terms that are either only used by a particular profession or group—or that have a unique meaning when used by that group, can be intimidating. While it is often essential for accuracy and precision, it can often degenerate into a form of lexical...