The Pilgrim’s Progress | Part Six

The Pilgrim’s Progress | Part Six

  Chapter Nine—Refreshment at God’s River Christian and Hopeful’s reflections on the monument to Lot’s wife are a model of how to respond to those that have fallen to destruction. The failures of others should always lead us to self-examination rather than...
The Pilgrim’s Progress | Part Six

The Pilgrim’s Progress | Part Five

  Chapter Seven—On Trial for the Gospel Christian and Faithful were treated horribly by the citizens of the town of Vanity—yet their response always remained loving and patient. Too often today, the speech of professing Pilgrims sounds more like the clamor of the...
The Pilgrim’s Progress | Part Six

The Pilgrim’s Progress | Part Four

  Chapter Five—A Faithful Friend As he relates the trials that Faithful met with in the valley, Bunyan reminds us that, though all true Pilgrims walk the same narrow way, we do not all meet with the same obstacles on it. The Father knows the exact trials each of...
The Pilgrim’s Progress | Part Six

The Pilgrim’s Progress | Part Three

  Chapter Three—A Burden Lifted and a Journey Begun Making it up the Hill of Difficulty was hard for Christian. Yet though taking it easy for a while seemed like a good idea, it led him to lose his “roll” and forced him to retrace many of his steps. God desires...
The Pilgrim’s Progress | Part Six

Pilgrim’s Progress | Part Two

Chapter One Though God uses many means to draw His children to Himself, true conversion always begins with the conviction of personal sin and God’s deserved judgment on that sin. If you are a believer today, what was it that first made you aware of the “wrath to...
Evidence Not Seen | Book Discussion

Evidence Not Seen | Book Discussion

We will hold a coffee and cookies book discussion for our previous book of the month, Evidence Not Seen, after the evening service on Sunday, September 18. The reading for our next book of the month, Pilgrim’s Progress, will begin the day following and continue...