Pilgrim’s Progress | Part Two

Pilgrim’s Progress | Part Two

Chapter One Though God uses many means to draw His children to Himself, true conversion always begins with the conviction of personal sin and God’s deserved judgment on that sin. If you are a believer today, what was it that first made you aware of the “wrath to...
Friday Findings—September 23

Friday Findings—September 23

One Very Good Reason to Read Your Bible “[T]he benefit of personal devotions goes far beyond self. The benefit of knowledge of God and intimacy with God extends to your family, to your neighbors, to your church. If you can’t or won’t do devotions for your own sake,...
Augustine… Yet Speaking

Augustine… Yet Speaking

[T]hough good and bad men suffer alike, we must not suppose that there is no difference between the men themselves, because there is no difference in what they both suffer. For even in the likeness of the sufferings, there remains an unlikeness in the sufferers; and...


is the study of the way that words are arranged into phrases, clauses, and sentences. While most people do not use the term all that often to talk about English, scholars use it extensively in discussions of the original languages. While words in Greek or Hebrew often...
Unexplainable Mercy

Unexplainable Mercy

The so-called “God of the Old Testament” gets a bad rap in contemporary society. According to some, this “God of the Old Testament,” was mean and judgmental, hurling thunderbolts left and right, withholding mercy and delighting in destruction. Now of course our...
And I Quote… September 19

And I Quote… September 19

Some time ago, the concept of the “carnal Christian” became popular among some evangelical groups. The basic idea was that someone could be saved, and yet living no differently than an unbeliever day after day. In their lives there would be no hunger and thirst for...
Pilgrim’s Progress | Part Two

Pilgrim’s Progress | Part One

  Our book for the remainder of September and the month of October will be Pilgrim’s Progress, in the beautiful edition put out by Crossway. An enduring classic, Bunyan’s famous allegory of the Christian life has been treasured by believers for well over 300...
Friday Findings—September 23

Friday Findings—September 16

Be Bold Enough to Follow The Truth As Far as It Takes You: “What we need are bold Christians—Christians bold enough to disappoint anybody necessary for the contending of the faith… What we need are Christians so committed to Christ, that they will go to their crosses...
Thomas Watson… Yet Speaking

Thomas Watson… Yet Speaking

It is better to love God than the world. If you set your love on worldly things, they will not satisfy. You may as well satisfy your body with air as your soul with earth! If the globe of the world were yours, it would not fill your soul. Will you set your love on...


Is the practice of reading into a text a meaning that is foreign to it. It is an invented term formed by replacing the Greek preposition ex, meaning out of, with the preposition eis meaning “into.” It is usually used as a contrast to exegesis, “the art and science of...