God’s Smuggler | Part Five

God’s Smuggler | Part Five

It is hard to believe that we have already reached the end of God’s Smuggler! I’m looking forward to discussing it on Sunday night with those of you who have followed along in our reading. These are some of the challenges that struck me as I read the final chapters....
God’s Smuggler | Part Five

God’s Smuggler | Part Four

God’s Smuggler is a fascinating story—but is also a challenging one. These are some of the challenges that struck me as I read this week’s chapters. I wish I had a better answer to some of them! Chapter Thirteen: To the Rim of the Inner Circle With all his plans in...
God’s Smuggler | Part Five

God’s Smuggler | Part Three

God’s Smuggler is certainly an exciting read—but sometimes the questions it raises of our own hearts are rather uncomfortable. Chapter Seven: Behind the Iron Curtain Our swiftly changing culture can often make the cause of the gospel seem hopeless, tempting us to fury...
God’s Smuggler | Part Five

God’s Smuggler | Part Two

I hope you all have enjoyed the first week’s reading of God’s Smuggler as much as I did. The questions for thought are some of the ones that confronted me as I was reading—some of them will keep me thinking for a while! Chapter One: Smoke and Bread Crusts Growing up...
God’s Smuggler | Part Five

God’s Smuggler | Part One

Introduction The “Book of the Month” for April will be God’s Smuggler by Anne van der Bijl (better known as Brother Andrew) and John and Elizabeth Sherrill. As a child, this was one of my favorite books—an true story more thrilling than any novel, full of examples of...
Respectable Sins | Part Five

Respectable Sins | Part Five

Quotes [T]he serious of the sin of judgmentalism is not so much that I judge my brother as that in so doing I assume the role of God.—pg 144 Envy is the painful and oftentimes resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by someone else… But we don’t just envy people...